Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 2 - Heart of a Champion

Day 2
It's day 2, and let me tell you, I got a glimpse of how dedicated I am going to have to be.  I worked 15 hours today, and it I just realized that it's going to be hard to find time to workout everyday.  Yet, I have ALREADY MADE THE DECISION.... I am committed.  The coolest thing about this program is how it is effecting my daily decision making.  It's like, if I can discipline myself to eat healthy and workout everyday, then I can literally discipline myself to do ANYTHING. I encourage my viewers to get dedicated to something! 

Day 1 - So It Begins

Day 1

Welcome to my Blog.
My name is Kyle Wolfgang Goodier.  On this day I am 6' 3", weighing in at 214 pounds. 
For the past three years or so I have actually been concerned about the way my body looks.  In reaction to my concern, spawned a series of failed attempts to make my body look the way I want it to look. Like clock work, every summer I usually pick a workout program that hopefully turns my body into a work of art.   Therefore, this summer was no different in terms of choosing a workout program.  After weeks of narrowing down my choices, I finally chose one called "The TSC - Heart of a Champion."  In my excitement, I contacted my best friend (whom, also wants to turn his body into a masterpiece) to tell him about it. As usual he supported me, and hoped for the best.  

On the hot summer night of June 24th 2012, somehow, some way, we began debating on who could have the better body by the end of summer.  In conclusion, birthed a 70 day competition of who could have the better body.  Benjamin Michael Southward or Kyle Wolfgang Goodier?  

So, over the next 70 days, I will be posting daily blogs on my progress. The picture to the left, is me at day at one.  I will post a new picture every week. I hope this blog will encourage people to have a HEART OF A CHAMPION.